If you have ever been a parent of a young child, you undoubtedly have endured the mile-long question.
“Dad, can I stay up a little longer — pleasepleasepleasepleasepleeeeeease?”
“Mom, can I go to Tommy’s? CanI?CanI?CanI?CanI?CanI?HisparentssaiditwouldbeOK!CanI?”
Whether or not you’ve been a parent, if you run a nursing home, you’re liable to be experiencing a version of it soon. If you haven’t already.
The incredible drop in nursing home COVID-19 infections and deaths recently is jacking up expectations like a mouthful of Starburst candy in a child just before bedtime.
Residents are getting vaccinated in large percentages and an increasing number of their family members are too. After a year of good behavior, it’s only natural that they will start hitting you with questions about when normal visits can resume.
Read the full article on McKnight's Long Term Care News